Monday, October 11, 2010

Maybe they just like seeing your pretty faces?

(I started writing this on Thursday, but saved it as a draft and forgot to publish it. Whoops!)

I'm Judging You: France

For those who didn't know, the ban on women wearing burquas (and other garbs that cover one's face) in France went into effect last Thursday. France claims it's a human rights issue and that women shouldn't be forced to wear them. While, yes, being forced to wear clothing that covers one's face is a big issue (and one that should be fought), a lot of these women wear the clothing as a part of their religion. So instead of making a statement on a human rights issue, France is making a statement of religious intolerance/stupidity.

Really, though, I'm beyond stumped as to how an entire country could be so naive about an issue such as this. It'd be like the Arizona laws on illegal immigration catching fire and making it through the federal government to apply to the entire United States. What's worse is that it appears from polls (not gonna comment on their bias because 1) I don't know, and 2) I don't have the data on me... but this is a blog and so that shouldn't matter... I'm spewing opinions and sarcasm left and right anyway) that around 4 out of 5 French residents approve of the ban.

I know the U.S. (deservedly) gets a lot of flak for being stupid, but at least we haven't taken governmental action to prohibit religious freedom (... yet). I'm still waiting for France to release a statement saying that they didn't think the law would be enacted so soon, and that it was supposed to go "into effect" on April Fool's Day, when they'd formally announce that they were just kidding.

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